These monthly gatherings are definitely worth a couple of hours of your time. There are always new and interesting connections to be made amongst attendees, plus presentations from credible specialists. Last month Anthony Plant from Unic International spoke about the cost saving and environmental developments they have been making in the world of paint spray gun cleaning. Like me, you may not think this was the most promising of topics. But, like me, you would be wrong!
Unic is an award winning manufacturer of spray equipment cleaning products based in Nottingham, who have been developing their technology, for more than three decades, to reduce process costs and substantially reduce the environmental impact of this common industrial process. Their products already reduce the use of harmful VOCs (toxic Volatile Organic Compounds) by 85% – and they are working on improving that figure even further in the near future.
Unic are a great example an ‘undercover’ LCEGS business. We often associate businesses in the Low Carbon and Environmental Goods and Services sector with renewable energy products like PV installations, low carbon products like LED lights or insulation, or environmental services such as ‘waste to energy’ and environmental accreditation. But for every one of these explicitly ‘green’ businesses there are many more businesses like Unic International, working in every corner of every sector, doing their bit for the environment – often quietly ploughing their own furrow with little fuss or fanfare.
The Low Carbon Business Network wants to identify, support and help grow all these ‘green’ businesses by providing a platform that allows larger organisations across the region to see and ultimately procure goods and services from local businesses that supply eco-friendly, low carbon and sustainable goods and services. If you are one of these businesses, why not register on the Network and sign up for our free business support, at