We hope that you and your family are safe and well in these unprecedented times. Like most businesses, the Low Carbon Business Network team are trying to keep calm and continue with our work as best we can. Like most of you, we are working from home and will continue to support all our Network members through the usual channels.
You may, of course, have postponed all your business activity until the current crisis is over. If that is the case, there are various items below to access online that can keep you occupied during your isolation.
- LCBN continue to inform and engage all pro-environmental business through our website, social media (@CarbonDerby), LinkedIn Page and one to one advice (email lowcarbonbusiness@derby.ac.uk).
- We also continue to offer our existing online self-service Low Carbon Network courses (https://www.lowcarbonbusiness.net/online-short-courses-for-pro-environmental-smes/)
- The ERDF funded DE-Carbonise SME support programme continues to help SMEs remotely to reduce emissions and improve efficiency in operations and supply chains remotely during the current health crisis.
- The Advanced Skills Programme short courses that included Building the Business Case for Sustainability are shifting to online bite-sized provision. Our first bite-size course “Strategic Marketing in a Digital Age” is already available.
- UDOL offers existing accredited online courses (eg Sustainable Business Management – UDOL)
- Whether you need help keeping your business going, a stimulus to keep you occupied or just someone to talk to in these strange days, please don’t hesitate to contact us.
- Stay safe… keep calm and carry on as best you can.