The latest news will be posted on this webpage throughout 2023. If your business is aware of any news or opportunities, we can promote this on your behalf. Do take the opportunity to read the information provided on this page!

From Spring 2023 the LCBN resources will be migrated to the University of Derby Net-Zero Pathways for SMEs web page.


Low Carbon Business Podcast

Our latest Low Carbon Business Podcast episode is out now. Available on all the popular platforms like Spotify, Apple Music etc.

 It’s no secret that agriculture is having a massive impact on our planet. In fact, the farming sector accounts for around 10% of all UK emissions. Lowering this carbon footprint requires a change in farming practices and consumption habits, and that’s the focus of Croots Farm Shop and Cafe. In this episode, Owner and Managing Director Kay Croots gives us an insight into the practices and ethos of the company and their efforts to protect the environment for future generations. 

Find the all the podcasts here.

Requesting your help with important research in delivering Net Zero

UK Government Net Zero policy aims to deliver a 100% reduction in greenhouse gas emissions from 1990 levels by 2050. What is your organisation’s role in delivering this target?

Please contribute to an important PhD study by David Durie, based at the University of Derby, which aims to develop new insights into how organisations can tackle Net Zero and the importance of partnerships in the decarbonisation process.  It will take less than 10mins of your time to complete.

The link to David’s short questionnaire can be found at

M&S has recently announced the launch of its inaugural sustainability innovation challenge for start-ups, with the retailer looking to work with tech-focused partners in its efforts to build a sustainable future and achieve its net zero by 2040 goal. 

Alongside the innovation and investment firm True, M&S’s Ignite team – the home of open innovation at M&S – is looking for ideas and technologies that can encourage more sustainable behaviours amongst its customers, as well as solutions that can help M&S achieve further efficiencies in its agricultural supply chains.

For more information, visit this link. 


LinkedIn has launched over 1000 free courses on sustainability, including courses on: → developing sustainability skills → using sustainability as an innovation level → variety of sustainability certification → daily habits to live sustainably →sustainable design → sustainable employee engagement → ESG → circularity → tech for sustainability 

A Guide to the SME Climate Hub educational, measurement and reporting tools

Launch of SME reporting framework by CDP, intended to be simple and flexible to maximise ambition while reducing the reporting burden. The framework lays out key climate-related points on which SMEs should report, and use to inform their disclosures. The resource is open for anyone to access and is intended to be used directly by stakeholders and SMEs to guide their reporting of climate impacts and strategies to multiple stakeholders.

Planet Positive Beauty Guide

British Beauty Council recently launched their Planet Positive Beauty Guide to support businesses & consumers to make greener choices. If you’re not in the beauty sector, there is sector specific guidance on the UK Business Climate Hub. If your sector isn’t covered, could you work with your industry to create something similar to the Planet Positive Beauty Guide?

Food Waste Reduction – Become A Champion

 Guardian’s of Grub’s new e-learning course ‘Becoming a Champion’ has been developed by industry professionals and will take your food waste reduction skills to the next level. This course gives you a great opportunity to upskill, benefitting you, profits and the planet!

For more details, visit Guardians of Grub to register!

Heart of the City – Free Climate Action Toolkit 

Heart of the City have created a free climate action toolkit, which has been designed especially for SMEs, in collaboration with sustainability experts. Net Zero targets can feel very overwhelming for SMEs, however, Heart of the City has 21 years experience.Heart of the City know that SMEs can do great things and have a real positive impact on the environment. With a total of four modules, you are able to start at the very beginning and finish knowing your carbon footprint and with a net zero plan.

Heart of the City – Free Climate Action Toolkit

Help to Grow: Management – UK

The Help to Grow Management course is government-backed. This course will open the door to growth for thousands of business leaders in the UK. Delivered by leading UK business schools accredited to the Small Business Charter, Help to Grow: Management includes 50 hours of in depth training, 1:1 business mentoring, and the opportunity to grow your business.

 The 12-week programme costs £750 and is 90% subsidised by the government. You can access learning through a blend of online and face-to-face sessions. Further information is available here.