You can always find the latest news on the Low Carbon Business Network website.  

Help with Energy Saving

The LCBN Resources webpage is regularly updated with new material on energy saving, reducing your carbon emissions and sustainable business practices. For free access to all these resources follow this link. (Please be aware that you have to be a member to view the available resources. You can join for free here).

We have just added a really handy carbon reduction checklist, created for our DE-Carbonise programme, that provides a brilliant starting point for every business with concerns about staying afloat whilst the cost energy spirals upwards.

The DE-Carbonise Energy efficiency checklist can be found here.

 Watch this space!

 This Autumn we are publishing a series of longer guides to the SME Journey to Net Zero based on our programmes –
the first of which focuses on Energy Efficiency. We will also be launching a new podcast series on low carbon business. 
Watch out for more detail in the next newsletter.

Zellar sustainability platform – One year free subscription

Zellar is a new sustainable business platform that makes going green, simple, actionable and affordable for small and medium-sized companies. Businesses in several areas are still eligible (until 30th September) for one year subscription to this excellent sustainability platform. Find out more here.

Network member in the news

Not only have demolition company Cawarden been doing great work to benefit the environment whilst delivering a great service to clients, their innovation is being recognised in the academic and business media.

Green Growth Trends Report 2022

According to new research by Derby Business School in collaboration with East Midlands Chamber, the proportion of East Midlands businesses now selling green goods and services has almost trebled over the past seven years.

In 2015, 16% of companies in Derbyshire, Leicestershire and Nottinghamshire derived turnover from suppling environmentally-friendly goods – such as energy efficiency, waste recovery and eco-food and drink products – but this has increased to 45% in 2022 as more firms identify opportunities in the UK’s race to net zero.

However, the Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands 2022 study of the regional growth trends over the past seven years, found that 35% of businesses still aren’t engaged with green growth – with reasons cited including gaps in information, skills and access to finance.

For more information on the Green Growth Trends Report 2022, visit this link.

Zero-carbon tourist transport network to be trialled at PEAK

A pioneering trial is set to be delivered at the Gateway at PEAK in Chesterfield, with the aim of creating a zero-carbon transport system to access Britain’s original National Park. The trial route connects eight key locations including Chesterfield Train Station, Chatsworth, and the Gateway development. Find out more here.


Sustainability Summit
Thursday 22nd September, 8:30am – 2:30pm

The Sustainability Summit is delivered annually by the University of Derby and East Midlands Chamber. The title of the Summit this year is ‘No one left behind – the journey to Net Zero. It will focus on practical ways the business community can reduce carbon dioxide emissions in the current challenging economic climate.

We are excited to welcome keynote presentations from BEIS Net Zero Strategy, British Business Bank PwC and IEMA as well as our own Dr Polina Baranova. Find further details and the agenda of this event here.

Carbon Literacy Action Day (CLAD) – 7th November 2022 
The second annual Carbon Literacy Action Day (CLAD) will be taking place on the first day of COP27 – and you’re invited! The now annual Carbon Literacy Action Day is the world’s largest simultaneous climate action training event. Join in here.

For the live list of forthcoming events throughout Autumn and Winter, check out the LCBN Events webpage here.

Funding Opportunities

For the LCBN live funding and finance news visit this link.

The Derbyshire Green Entrepreneurs Fund has recently amended the small grants criteria to allow for projects that aim to install solar or other renewable energy measures in response to increasing energy costs. Follow this link find out more. 

The D2N2 Local Enterprise Partnership has launched an interactive tool to track UK government funding announcements. The tracker has been developed to help navigate the complex and evolving landscape of government funding more easily by collating information on funding in one place. For more information, visit here.

You may also find the East Midlands Chamber funding page useful. Follow the link.

Watch our website and Twitter channels for more details in the coming weeks.

Twitter: @CarbonDerby

Our Twitter page is dedicated to promoting events, news, awareness days, the latest TV programmes, series, or documentaries that relate to sustainability, the environment, and an assortment of similar subjects that catch our eye!

We would love to hear your feedback about our events and communications. If you have any queries or wish for us to promote any work or events you are hosting, please do not hesitate to contact us directly via