Whilst we may not be able to meet face to face during the pandemic, the Low Carbon Business Network can still help connect the wide variety of pro-environmental businesses from across our region – although sadly, you will need to bring your own refreshments on this occasion!
In this online meeting we will share:
• Practical information and resources that have been keeping our businesses alive during the pandemic
• Stories of resilience and innovation
• Begin to look to the future as we come out of lockdown.
Please register at https://www.eventbrite.co.uk/e/online-networking-coping-with-covid-and-navigating-the-new-reality-tickets-106124481180
Then please head over to our LinkedIn page to share the most useful information and resources you have found and raise any questions or issues you want to be discussed during the session.
Event details:
Thu, 11 June 2020
16:00 – 17:30
Further enquiries, please email lowcarbonbusiness@derby.ac.uk