Buxton SK17 9RZ
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NEWS You can always find the latest news on the Low Carbon Business Network website. Help with Energy Saving The LCBN Resources webpage is regularly updated with new material on energy saving, reducing your carbon emissions and sustainable business practices. For...
Green Growth Trends in the East Midlands 2022 The Sustainable Business team from Derby Business School at the University of Derby has been collaborating with the East Midlands Chamber for seven years in a unique piece of research to map the trends in pro-environmental...
The clocks have recently gone forward an hour, nicer weather is on the way and the Easter Bank Holiday weekend is nearly with us. There are lots of opportunities and events in future months that will only make us all more mindful of the planet and how we can protect...
The latest news will be posted on this webpage throughout 2023. If your business is aware of any news or opportunities, we can promote this on your behalf. Do take the opportunity to read the information provided on this page! From Spring 2023 the LCBN resources will...
For the latest Low Carbon Business events, news and funding opportunities for 2022… TOP EVENTS FOR 2022 UPCOMING EVENTS Going Green Market PlaceCromford Mill, DerbyshireWednesday 30th March, 15:30 – 18:30 We are delighted to announce that we are hosting another...
Funding and Finance News & Opportunities Within this page, you will find a whole host of funding opportunities that range from Summer 2022 to 2023... A lot of information is included below, but should you have any questions on, do not hesitate to email us your...
In December 2015, 195 countries signed the Paris Agreement to limit the increase in global temperatures to well below 2°C (above pre-industrial levels) and pursue efforts to limit it to 1.5°C. To achieve these aims, businesses of all sizes should aim to halve their...
Net Zero - Carbon Neutral Jargon Buster The difference between Net Zero and Carbon Neutrality is poorly understood. Being carbon neutral just means that you have measured your footprint and you are doing some verified offsetting to try and mitigate that. Firms can be...
This page is dedicated to the news and information from COP26 – the 2021 United Nations Climate Change Conference, the 26th conference to take place and it is scheduled to take place in the City of Glasgow between Sunday 31st October and Friday 12th November...
For the latest low carbon business events, news, and funding opportunities for Autumn 2021… TOP EVENTS FOR AUTUMN 2021 UPCOMING EVENTS Upcoming Master Classes… Introducing the SME Pathway to Zero CarbonOnline via CollaborateWednesday 1st December 8:30 - 9:30 The...
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