Sustainable Procurement for practitioners – 14/06/2018 Manchester

Fit for the Future is delighted to be partnering with Carbon Smart on an event designed to help our members embed sustainable procurement within their organization.

This event is kindly being led by Ben Murray and Jessica Cresswell from Carbon Smart, who will be bringing their expertise to an afternoon of practical talks and workshops to support you in embedding sustainable procurement.

We will begin with an introduction to the key principles and practices that can be used in procurement. This will be followed by two interactive workshops looking at sustainable packaging and plastics, and effective supplier engagement.

This afternoon is ideal for those trying to influence organisational procurement practices, and for those making procurement decisions.

Outline agenda

1.30pm: Arrival, tea and coffee

2.00: Introduction A review of the key principles and practices that can be practically used in procurement

2.30: Workshop 1 Sustainable packaging and plastics – an interactive workshop and discussion looking at four key ways that organisations can act to reduce the impact of plastics and packaging in their supply chain

3.15: Tea and coffee

3.30: Workshop 2 Supplier engagement – an interactive workshop and discussion on a risk and impact focused approach to engaging with key supplier; which suppliers should be a priority and what are the effective engagement strategies.

4.15: Closing session A review and discussion of outcomes of the workshops, some guidance on implementing action plans and additional sources of support

4.45: Feedback and final Q&A

5.00: Close

Tea and coffee breaks will be provided, please note our cancellation policy below.

To book your place, please click here. 

We look forward to seeing you there!