The challenge of climate change and our need to reduce carbon emissions, cut waste and be greener in all we do has never been so great. With this in mind, Derbyshire County Council is hosting the ‘Tackling Climate Change Together’ event. The event aims to explore the challenge of how you can help deliver the Derbyshire Environment and Climate Change Framework to achieve a ‘net-zero carbon’ Derbyshire by 2050.
By the end of the event you will have:
• Learnt about Derbyshire’s ambition to be a ‘net-zero carbon’ county by 2050;
• Been inspired and challenged by a range of low carbon initiatives from across the county;
• Explored ways your organisation can support the climate change agenda in Derbyshire;
• Had a chance to meet and network with others committed to responding to the challenge of
carbon reduction.
Event details
Tuesday 3 March 2020, 11:00-5:00pm
County Hall, Matlock
Book your place at