How and why to join the Global SME Club!…

In preparation for the 26th UN Climate Change Conference of the Parties (COP26) in Glasgow in November 2021, the UK Government has launched the Together for our Planet campaign, calling on every small business in the UK to take small, practical steps to commit to cutting their greenhouse gas emissions.

The campaign encourages small businesses of up to 250 employees to visit the UK Business Climate Hub and begin their journey to net zero by making the SME Climate Commitment. This pledge is to halve greenhouse gas emissions before 2030, achieve net zero emissions before 2050, and share information on their progress each year.

We all want to create a better planet, but it can be hard to know where to start. Through this commitment, small businesses can join other businesses, get tips, make a plan and be confident that they’re really making a difference.  In addition to everything offered by the University of Derby through the Low Carbon Business Network, the DE-Carbonise Programme and a wide range of other support for business, the ‘Together for our Planet’ campaign helps small businesses to connect with other businesses, get tips, make a plan and be confident that they’re really making a difference.